Saturday, 22 November 2014

One Person Company


One Person Company in India:

A One Person Company is type of company registered under the companies act. It was introduced by the new Companies Act, 2013 and become one of the most famous type of company registration especially for small traders and business persons, who wants a corporate identity for their business.
One Person Company means a company owned and managed by only one person and nominee would be appointed in case of death of the sole member.

Features of One Person Company:

1. Formed and registered as per the rules and regulations laid by the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Separate legal status in the eyes of law and distinct from its members.
3. The member of the company enjoys the limited liability, i.e., his personal assets will not be involved if company incurs any loss.
4. A company which has a legal status can be sued and can sue in its own name.
5. One Person Company also enjoys perpetual succession, in case of death of sole owner, the nominee appointed during incorporation undertakes the affairs of the company till another member is appointed.

Requirement for Starting a One Person Company:

1. Minimum two person required, one would be the member and the other one would be the nominee for the company.
2. Minimum authorized and paid up capital for starting a OPC shall be Rs. 1,00,000/-
3. Obtain Digital Signature and Director Identification number for the sole member cum Director of the company.
4. Suggest six names for the company, which should be within the naming guidelines laid by the MCA- Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
5. Must have a valid registered office address proof.

End Note:

A One Person Company, has become a popular type of Company registration, since the management burden and the cost for registering is on the lower side. A small businessmen and traders can avail the advantages of One Person Company.

To know more about registration of one person company, visit


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One person Company Registration : “One Person Company” means a company which has only one person as a Member. Moreover, members of a company are nothing but subscribers to its memorandum of association, or its stockholders. So, an OPC is efficiently a company that has only one shareholder as its member. Contact Us: +91 8929218091
